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THÔNG TIN SẢN PHẨM : PdCl2 Palladium Chloride 60%
—— Xuất xứ : Heraeus - Đức
—— Tên gọi- CTHH : PdCl2 - Palladium Chloride ( Paladin clorua )
—— Quy cách : 500gram/lọ
—— Ứng dụng : Dùng trong xi mạ, xi mạ nhựa, trong trang sức, mạch điện tử PCB....
- Use as a catalyst in plastic electroplating and plated through hole process of PCB manufacturing.
- Decorative electroplating in jewellery, watch, deluxe table wares, various metallic & plastic articles. Functional electroplating in leadframe & various electronic parts. Electroforming in jewellery.